Friday, July 10, 2009

WINTER BREAK i'm freezing out

Finally! winter break .. But this is so so so cold, and i don't feel my hands when i'm at the computer-At least i can wake up later and i don't have any responsability this week.

Next weekend i'm going to camp to El Tabito, it's a complex of cabins with the sea on the front.. i've came before and i love this place.I won't take pictures 'cause i don't have a good camera, and the one i have.. i don't like to carry it

As you realize, i'm not talking about anything interesting, sorry D: but it's almost 1 AM and i'm watching Doctor House (L)

I dont know if i already told you, but i finished Persuasion (Jane Austen), and in the summer i read Pride and Prejudice.. Well i needed to read something, so i read AGAIN Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (finished yesterday) and today i bought HP and the half blood prince.. I already read it like 1 and half year ago, but the movie premier is in 6-5 days, and i don't remember anything except that i loved when i read it and it became one of my favorite books.

Like two weeks ago i went to the library. I was looking for something new and interesting. The first thing i saw in the shopwindow (or show-window?) were thousands (exaggerating) of books about vampires.. The Twilight saga (Stephenie Meyer, you know) , Vampire dairies (LJ smith), Evernight and the others (Claudia Gray), etc. And you know what? All the covers had a black background, with something red & white (just like twilight!!) ... That's what the marketing makes.
Anyway, i found a book called 'The woman from Rome' (i don't remember the writer, sorry D: ) It's about the mystery about a paint recently found that's very similar to the venus's mirror or something like that :D i'm not good at explaining books..whatever.. It seems to me pretty amazing, cause the principal character goes to the vatican archive, and to a maze, and travel to cool places to discover the enigma.

Yeah..i think you're kind of bored. I have no pictures to update, i hope you like the last design i made (it's in the last entry).


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